JCFC Then and Now.

The Club Today...
JCFC was based in Jersey City from its inception as the majority of players lived and drank in the downtown area for years. Time has passed and only a few remain in JC--we are looking for a new home--as long as there are fresh pints to be pulled near by.
We look to sign up 20 commited players (including those who will return--so far we have 8 returning players.)
In our previous iteration we trained once, sometimes twice a week. we recognize as life goes on, committing to football 2x a week with wifes, babies and jobs is not doable.
Most importantly we look to find some new members for the club--members that appreciate a good pint of lager after games and training, members who appreciate football--our membership in the past has been very diverse--English, Welsh, Irish, Argentinians, Bolivians, Colombians, French, Italians, one Scott and one guy who changed his flag depending on who was winning that week--and Americans of course--many americans. Our playing style was traditional english football, but over the past two years we've changed as our forwards can no longer keep up with the long ball.
We look to expand and make new friends on and off the pitch, as what sport at our age really is about, is about camaraderie and an excuse to get out of the house.. excercise is a good bonus. But the pints.. ah.. the pints.
so if you're interested... drop us a line at jcfc06@gmail.com
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